Unveiling the Unjustified Animosity Against Antioquia: An Examination


The increasing tide of ill feelings directed towards Antioquia has escalated into a critical concern in recent times. Tracing back, it is revealed that this animosity towards Antioquia initiated over four years ago. The drive behind this was a political power play, meticulously orchestrated to conquer the Mayor’s office in Medellín and to pave the route for Gustavo Petro’s presidency.

This assault included the strategic investment of massive quantities of both national and transnational capital as well as the crafting of a damaging narrative portraying Antioquia as a territory riddled with corruption and anarchy. Things took a turn for the worse following Gustavo Petro’s ascension to power, as he mounted an intensified onslaught against the Antioqueños by exploiting state apparatus.

Petro didn’t stop at meddling in various organizations and institutions such as the Caja de Compensación Comfenalco, the EPS Savia Salud, and the mining delegation of the Department. He also made unsuccessful attempts to control the Board of Directors of the Metro de Medellín and sway the Chamber of Commerce.

This mounting wave of animosity towards Antioquia raises necessary questions. Being the second wealthiest department in the country, Antioquia boasts a stronger per capita GDP than the national average. The department is a hub of prosperous agriculture, multinational corporations, and a thriving tourism industry. Its strategic location and excellent connectivity through land, sea, and air transportation are added boons. Its wealth in water sources, fertile land, and extensive deposits of gold, silver, iron, and copper make it a coveted region.

But Antioquia’s true treasure lies deeper – in its rich culture and the unshakeable sense of belonging of its residents. The hardworking Antioqueños are renowned for their fierce spirit of freedom and their many accomplishments, notable among them being the creation of EPM, one of Latin America’s largest public companies. They stand as an enduring bastion of democracy and a stalwart defense against totalitarianism.

In the sphere of arts, Antioquia has a storied legacy of sculpture, painting, poetry, and music. The iconic Antioqueño accent resonates across the globe, often acting as the reference point when Colombia is discussed in foreign lands.

In essence, the hostility faced by Antioquia appears to stem from a veiled desire for the immense potential and rich heritage the region symbolizes and carries within its borders.